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Get to know the most useful, miracle stone, Shungite, you wont regret it.

Writer's picture: Manda GannonManda Gannon

Updated: Jan 30, 2020

Shungite- discovered in a small village in Russia thousands of years ago. Actually got found because of its amazing healing abilities was reported that who lived by the water, that was surrounded by the Shungite stones, would live purer, longer and more productive lives. They were healthier in mind, body and spirit. They would contribute thriving harmonize life to the Shungite stones.

Truly the most useful stone, in my opinion. It clears negative energy, can provide clean water and protect you from EMF radiation, all while keepin' you aligned in harmony, thanks to there calming effect.

Shungite is a true Miracle stone. A black, lustrous, non-crystalline mineraloid with miracle abilities, thanks to their powerful component Fullerene. A naturally occurring unique hollow carbon molecule. It is these microscopic carbon cages that are believed to be what absorbs the EMF radiation and protects the body. This powerful, grounding antioxidant black stone is getting harder and harder to obtain.

In today's world, with the constant EMF radiation blanket that surrounds us (with the 5g towers, power plants, cell towers, anything that create electric signals, we need to protect ourselves) and now we can, with Shungite (or Shugnite Orgone)

Purify your water with Shungite

Shungite has become so popular for its use in purifying water. Placing shungite stones in water and letting them sit for a few days produces what most people call “shungite water.” Modern tests since then have confirmed the amazing water purifying capabilities of shungite, and it is now commonly found in water filtration systems. With the extremely powerful antibacterial capabilities. Harmful bacteria in the water can be reduced with as little as one hour. Purifying toxins like nitrates, chlorine, bacteria, and heavy metal from water. It also can clean the visual appearance of dirty water and improve the taste.

It is recommended to drink at least 2-3 glasses of Shungite water a day to cure or prevent digestive, muscular or neural system illnesses and to increase circulation of blood. The cold and flu, allergies, kidney and liver issues. Headaches, heart disease and diabetes will benefit from Shugnite water.

Many healers recommend “shungite water” for many types of illnesses which include:

Cold and Flu


Kidney and liver issues


Heart Disease



General well being/ Calming effect



Calming Effect

Shungite is known to calm your nerves and can help you when you are stressed through its calming properties. And people are also using it for meditation purposes. It is known to suppress the production of stress hormones.

Shungites energy boosting feature helps to improve the overall energy that is needed by the human body to carry out its processes. It makes its users live healthy and productive throughout their lifetime.

Make your own Shungite Water, call Ancient Vibrations today to get your Pure Shungite stones.

How to make Shugnite water:

*Recommended to drink at least 2-3 glasses of Shungite water a day to cure or prevent digestive,muscular or neural system illnesses and to increase circulation of blood.

Material needed: Glass Drink Container and Shungite Stones

Directions: Place Shugnite on the bottom of the glass container with water. In 24 hours that water should be clear and biologically active. You should place the container with Shugnite stones in the sunlight every month and replace the stones every 6 months.

It's that easy, and your mind body and spirit will be thanking you for this.

Available to you through Ancient Vibrations. Get straight Shugnite stones, powder or Orgone made with Shungite.

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